Post by Admin on Feb 26, 2007 22:17:02 GMT
For those that don't already know here's an old booktown press release for the launch of Evans and Short. It's old because despite Them knowing about this site and it running features in the past they still insist on ignoring it. This sums the Book towns attitude to publicity up perfectly.
Press release from Evans and Short re: bookshop launch 13/02/07
Next Saturday, 17th February, will see the launch of a further phase in the advance of Atherstone Booktown. Evans and Short, who trade in second-hand gardening and cookery books on Atherstone’s Farmers’ Market, will be formally opening their new venture in the back room of Butler’s Book Emporium on Church Street at 2.00 pm, with wine and other refreshments for their customers and guests. On sale will be a selection of books in a wide range of foreign languages, in addition to large print books, talking books and art books. “We’re very excited to be part of the Booktown project, which is going from strength to strength,” said Gwyn Short of Evans and Short.