Post by Admin on Feb 9, 2008 17:30:13 GMT
Witherley Parish Plan
Newsletter January 2008
At the Village Plan Meeting on 6th Dec 2007 we went around the room and asked everyone for their views. By far the majority of people said that they thought the idea of developing a Parish Plan was the best way to ensure that the views of villagers were taken into account in the Local Development Framework consultation process undertaken by Hinckley and Bosworth Borough Council, and more specifically for commenting on any future housing development and associated proposals.
Primary Objective of our Parish Plan:
A: To provide an effective tool for supporting the argument for protecting the integrity of Witherley Village settlement boundary and the character of the village.
Secondary Objectives of our Parish Plan:
B: To provide an integrated Parish Plan which provides a clear explanation to what Witherley as community think are the important values and issues. This will include a wide range of topics such as settlement boundary, land-use, village character zones, healthcare, transport, access to shops, leisure, culture, sport, housing, employment, etc, etc. This will help villagers and the Parish Council in future consultations on development proposals from a wide range of public agencies and private bodies.
C: To provide an Action Plan to help delivery of solutions for outstanding issues. It will include the research and analysis of values and needs of all sectors of the village community. The Action Plan which will identify what/who/how/when etc for taking these issues forward.
D: To provide a Witherley Village Design Statement which will support the development of the Parish Plan and as a document also contribute to the Hinckley and Bosworth Borough Council Planning Development Control process.
“A Village Design Statement sets out clear and simple guidance for the design of all development in a village, based on its character. It is an advisory document produced by the village community, not by the planning authority. It will not stop change from happening, but it can help effect how any new building fits in to the village. Village Design Statements are intended to influence the operation of the statutory planning system, so that new development is in harmony with its setting and makes a positive contribution to the immediate environment.” Natural England Website
The challenging target we have set ourselves is completion by September 2008 for use in next round of Local Development Framework consultation
To help start things off we are initially looking at good practice from around the UK. Examples and the latest on what is happening will be provided in Parish Plan Folders for the public to view at Atherstone Public Library and the Blue Lion Pub or on our village website
Any villagers interested in helping out are welcome to attend the next meeting of the Parish Plan Group to be held in the Parish Room at 7.30pm on 17th January to take things forward.
Witherley Parish Plan Group Chair: Dr David Hickie
7 Hunters Walk, Witherley, Atherstone, Warwickshire, CV9 3SU
Tel: 01827 722153